2020-05-24 Why has there been so little news from the Sombrero Galaxy until now

Welcome to the first of what I hope will be a long and fun series of blog posts from us friendly people in the Sombrero Galaxy.

I’ve been asked why there has been so little news from the Sombrero Galaxy to date. The whole answer to that will become clearer later, when I tell you more about our physics. The main thing to tell you now is that Einstein’s General Relativity is roughly true. It’s not impossible for information to travel faster than light (the most astute among you will know that even Einstein didn’t say it was impossible), but getting information from the Sombrero Galaxy to you on Earth faster than light is … well, a real hassle. To bring you this blog post, I have to mess with a whole lot of stuff that I can’t translate into your physics exactly, but you’d see it as either backwards causation or messing with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or both. In fact, one of the reasons I CAN’T translate it into your physics exactly is this problem itself - I just can’t send you a really large quantity of information.

But, you know, what does “just can’t send you a really large quantity of information” make you think about?

Yes, blog posts!

So we’re all good.

[back to news from the Sombrero Galaxy]
