
angel dark angel constant as seasons infrequent as words old rainbow midnight remembered at dawn breath of wings on the morning pillow waking with dreams in your eyes fragments of lost conversations on your lips

Red Queen of my heart locked in the Tower your willing victim rivers of faces not hearing my cries

barges tug at the tides helpless I drown warehouse and Ionic column down before my eyes

fireweed on demolition sites butterfly beneath the breaker’s hammer sing for me

Red Queen of my heart mistress of my city lady of the river

you give me

rainbows riversides mountains

I give you

fragments of broken dreams bustickets torn snapshots

You send me anthems psalms symphonies

I send you stammered words shared bedtime-stories failed songs trailing away night into day …

waking with the key to the woods black cat lost in pink-and-white flowers

night into day Sunday churches penetrate the sky July fifes and drums in the William-and-Mary streets

night into day meeting at morning leaving at evening

night into day soft weeds sway in the river’s fastness

night into day down into darkness drowning in sunlight

lady O lady day into midnight

last breath on the morning pillow

silent words

forgotten seasons


dark angel

sudden wings as the clouds close about us.

Adrian Henri