Evidence Workshop 2007

A workshop on the use of the concept of evidence in the biohumanities, 8th and 9th of January 2007, University of Queensland.

The workshop was organised by Jason Grossman (Australian National University), Joan Leach (University of Queensland) and Adam La Caze (University of Sydney) and featured Jerry Ravetz from the University of Oxford (<<http://www.martininstitute.ox.ac.uk/JMI/People/fellows/Ravetz+Jerry.htm).>>.>>)

Funding and administrative support were kindly provided by the Biohumanities Program, University of Queensland (main sponsor) and by the Centre for Time, University of Sydney.

Participants: Jerry Ravetz, Jason Grossman, Adam La Caze, Joan Leach, Adrian Carter, Alison Moore, Claire Leslie, David Dowe, David Mercer, John Matthewson, John Wilkins, Marjan Kljakovic, Maureen Burns, Neil Thomason, Paul Barnes, Tom O’Regan, Wendy Lipworth


Audio recordings of these talks are available at http://www.representinggenes.org/biohumanities/podcasts/4QBC_podcast.html.

Joan Leach: Welcome

Jerry Ravetz: Keynote - Quantification as the opiate of the expert classes

Jason Grossman: Why I have issues with Evidence-Based Medicine

Marjan Kljakovic: What do you mean EBM is new? Surely you doctors always based what you do on evidence?

Adam La Caze: If it is going to make any sense, EBM must not be…

David Mercer: Managing Objectivity

Alison Moore: EBM’

Jason Grossman: Bias is OK

Paul Barnes: Risk, Ambiguity and Confusion

Claire Leslie: Classical inference is not about evidence

David Dowe: MML and statistically consistent invariant (objective?) Bayesian probabilistic inference

Neil Thomason: Intention To Treat analysis

Wendy Lipworth: Exceptionalism and evidence

Thanks to the UQ Biohumanities Program (especially Paul Griffiths and Lori Grantham) and the Centre for Time (especially Huw Price) for supporting this workshop.

Jason Grossman

It’s very hard getting lodgers these days. If I took in aliens, spongers or those damnable statisticians I could fill the place twice over, but I have standards to maintain. Mrs Hubbard, in Jasper Fforde, The Big Easy, p.53
