M C E - Greenpeace

[Text extract example 1]

plants birds and animals are lost

This clause constructs a process that could refer to individuals but only makes discourse sense if the unit that is lost, ie the suffering that occurs, is at the level of the species (or family/order etc)

[Text extract example 2]

landowners are ripped off

— here the process COULD make sense at group level, but makes more discourse sense as if the unit that suffers being ripped off is an individual landowner.

Further down, in extract 3, the patterns are supported by the linguistic construction of birds and animals (and plants) as types (linguistically as classifiers within a nominal group where the Head/Thing is ‘life’, a mass noun)

[Text extract example 3]

Our success with Nestle and Unilever is already saving plant, bird and animal life already.

Full text below:

From: Greenpeace Australia Pacific <support@news.greenpeace.org.au Date: 29 October 2010 4:31:08 PM To: Alison Moore <amoore@uow.edu.au Subject: Rainforest disappearing fast. Time running out.

Can’t see this email? View the online version here. =09 Hi Alison,

Every second of every day nearly 1 acre of unique rainforest is =20 destroyed forever. You can help us put an end to this. Please donate =20=

here: Www Greenpeace Org Au/donate

We all know how wrong it is for Mother Earth to lose a huge expanse =20=

of rainforest every day. The irreplaceable Paradise Forests are =20 being illegally destroyed before our very eyes.

Habitats disappear Plants, birds and animals are lost Landowners are ripped off, assaulted, tortured. We want to stop the senseless destruction of the ancient Paradise =20 Forests, which stretch from Indonesia, through PNG and onto the =20 Solomon Islands.

Please donate here In the past our pressure has had an impact on:

Nestl=E9 =96 makers of Kit Kat chocolate bars Unilever =96 manufacturers of Dove beauty products. These two global giants both used huge volumes of palm oil that came =20=

from rainforest destruction. Due to strong active pressure, this has =20=

now stopped.

Our success with Nestl=E9 and Unilever is already saving plant, bird =20=

and animal life already.

But there is so much more to do

Remember: Deforestation causes more carbon emissions than all the =20 world=92s cars and aircrafts combined.

Please help us save the Paradise Forests today.

Steve Campbell Head of Campaigns Greenpeace Asia Pacific

P.S: This is an urgent call to you to stand up again for biodiverse =20=

rainforests. Please Visitwww Greenpeace Org Au/donate to make your =20 tax deductible donation. Or you can phone: 1800 815 151.

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