Smalltalk Scrapbook

(moved to nv)

See also Seaside Scrapbook.


a := ‘concat’, “comments ignored” ‘inate’ “’ Useful for documenting regexes?”

Not sure whether that works reliably in Squeak / Pharo though.


My goodness. Pharo has had a terminal REPL since forever, but for years and years I haven’t realised that. See

A big gotcha here is that the files (at least the final script file) has to be referenced using a full path. So I use, for example:

rlwrap /Volumes/bing/main/programming/Pharo/ –headless /Volumes/bing/main/programming/Pharo/latest/Pharo-40437.image /Volumes/bing/main/programming/Pharo/

Pharo Keyboard Shortcuts

[1 = 0] assert. “awesome”

To get the morphic halo on a Mac, use shift-option-click.

Visual Works

Scripting With Visual Works Smalltalk Useful Visual Works Packages

ExternalProcess fork:'ls' 

‘Source code definitions, for methods, classes, shared variables, and namespaces, are organized into packages, and packages are collected into bundles. … Parcel files are an external representation of the packages and bundles’

Visual Works is still working on Web Services (despite Seaside)

SIMPLE WRITE TO A FILE: tf := ‘/Users/jason/Desktop/Test File TxtAs Filename Write Stream. tf nextPutAll: ‘sthsnth’; close.


GNU Smalltalk:

#!/opt/local/bin/gst -f 
Smalltalk at: #x put: 0 !