The Possibilities For Entropy And The Brain

Something about the 2nd model of the relationship between entropy and brain confused me, but i wasnt sure what it was or how to articulate it. After thinking about it I think it is the argument that perception of time can be the same in decreasing entropy that confuses me. Specifically, in entropy of the brain vers 2, why is it that biochemical processes will lay down memories from time z to a, rather than a reversal of the process in which memories are layed down from a to z?

If we believe the argument that in a system of decreasing entropy all biochemical processes would reverse from the way we perceive them now (eg rotting apple in compost heap recombining and moving back onto the tree), wouldnt other biochemical processes like those within the cell associated with memory formation also proceed in this manner? That is, wouldnt our experience of memory as entropy decreases from z to a, be analagous to that of the photon sucking stars? As things move from z to a, memories would become ‘unmade’ wouldnt they?

Apologies if i have explained my query poory or im missing something obvious. About the only thing I can think of to explain why memory formation would be the same in both increasing and decreasing, is if the randomness of the biochemical process of memory formation is distinct from other biochemical processes, such that simply being concious in a universe of either increasing or decreasing entropy results in a the creation and collection of the data we refer to as human experience/memory, regardless of the direction.

Keen to hear peoples thoughts/clarifications


Gabriel KG

You’re exactly right. I thought that was what I said, but I must have explained it badly. Thanks for clarifying this.
