Adding A Gallery To Images Xeny Net

cp -r /usr/local/www/galleries/jason /usr/local/www/galleries/whatever 

chmod -R 777 /usr/local/www/galleries/whatever 

mkdir /usr/local/galleries/whatever 

chmod 777 /usr/local/galleries/whatever 

touch /usr/local/www/galleries/whatever/Htaccess

chmod 666 /usr/local/www/galleries/whatever/Htaccess

cat > /usr/local/www/gallery 2/Login Txt

Browse to Follow web steps.

In step 2.2, choose “Multisite installation”, and use the directory /usr/local/www/galleries/whatever

In the next step, use the directory /usr/local/galleries/whatever

When I get to mysql table setup, make new tables and columns called g2_whatever.

At the next step (“Admin User Setup”), give it the name of the person the gallery’s for, make up a new password for them, and record it in my keychain under “mysql on Images Xeny Net”.

Add the following to /usr/local/etc/apache 22/Httpd Conf

Alias /whatever "/usr/local/www/galleries/whatever" 

<Directory “/usr/local/www/galleries/whatever”> Allow Override Options File Info Allow from all

and restart apache.

Browse to

Also possibly advertise the new gallery at

Configure modules: probably just URL Rewrite.