Chris Wilcox - Thesis Outline

{[green This is a little chaotic at present ]} {[red full stop ]} {[green I’m going to try to bring things under control using a separate page for each chapter over the next week ]}

Introduction (Chris Wilcox - Thesis - Introduction) {[green (contextual clarity (hopefully) goes here) ]}

{[red Might be best not to number the chapters yet, because I can see chapter 1 (at least) turning into more than 1 chapter. Jason ]}

Ch.1 The Indispensability Argument for Mathematical Realism (Chris Wilcox - Thesis - Ch 1)

Ch.2 The Consequences of Indispensability (Chris Wilcox - Thesis - Ch 2)

{[green I may have a potential argument: ]} - what emerges from the indispensability argument is a new class of ” Mathematico - Scientific” entities — mathematical entities as instantiated in scientific theories - the properties of an entity in this class are inextricably tied to the theory/theories in which it plays a role — because it is this context that provides the reification (e.g. this group G with this subset S of its associated properties is real in that it describes natural phenomena P) - (is C necessarily committed to this?) - thus the same mathematical entity instantiated in two different theoretical contexts results in two different mathematico-scientific entities - {[red I don’t see how we know that they’re different. But in any case I think you can skip this point and your argument still works. ]} — e.g. a group G used to represent - this means that the class of mathematico-scientific entities should really be viewed as a subclass of the class of scientific entities - given this, they are distinct from the class of mathematical entities in that they are not abstract — actually, most of the points above can probably be brought to bear here in order to show how mathematico-scientific entities differ from mathematical entities - hence the ontological status of mathematico-scientific entities has no implication for the ontological status of mathematical ones {[green there’s something truthy in here but I’m not sure I’ve managed to pin down its exact nature yet ]} - {[green might some sort of universal/particular or type/token distinction be useful here (probably universal/particular)? (i.e. by claiming that indispensability only gets us reification of the tokens/particulars but what the mathematical involves (and what the Platonist is after reification of) is the abstract universal/type) ]}

{[green Just quickly jotting down some thoughts I had in the library today (10/7) regarding a possible (partial) approach. ]}

Approach: - lets allow IBE-based sci. realism - lets allow indispensability-based math. realism to work in much the same way - even if we do this, it is by no means clear that what we get out can accurately be termed Platonism

What’s needed: - clear sketch of how IBE-based sci. realism works and how this links in with indispensability — possibly also need to look at how they might not be linked (if space) - clear portrayal of the sort of “mathematical” entity resultant from indispensability - clear portrayal of mathematical entities involved in “classical” Platonism - analysis of the differences as to their importance — in particular, what is involved in the notion of an “abstract” entity?

{[green Some notes on considerations arising from rereading the “what is a mathematical object?” section of Forster’s Axioms of Set Theory. ]} - 2 considerations: — transparency of identity — does the link with particular theories at least muddy the waters here for the objects resultant from indispensability? — the empty widget — if we don’t have confirmational holism for mathematics (i.e. if we don’t get the whole system from one scientific application), how do we get an empty widget from indispensability? — this one will probably cost too much in shoe leather though - also, how uncontroversial are the above notions? (certainly transparency of ID seems like the one of the most uncontroversial things one could say about math. entities)

Ch.3 Questioning the Foundations (Chris Wilcox - Thesis - Ch 3)

Ch.4 The Relationship of IBE and Indispensability (Chris Wilcox - Thesis - Ch 4) {[green This chapter is on the back-burner for a bit while I grind through the nitty gritty of the more central stuff ]}

Conclusion (Chris Wilcox - Thesis - Conclusion) {[green (profundity (hopefully) goes here) ]}

Chris Wilcox