Heading Depth


That was a top level heading. ## h2 That was a level 2 heading (sub-heading). ### h3 That was a level 3 heading (sub-sub-heading). #### h4 That was a level 4 heading (sub-sub-sub-heading). ##### h5 That was a level 5 heading (sub-sub-sub-sub-heading). ###### h6 That was a level 6 heading (sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-heading). That heading font size looks smaller than the body font size (cf. ‘h6’). Still, it is clear from the layout that it’s a heading.


That was a level 7 heading (sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-heading). It looks like this is now beyond the intended heading depth.

markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#header)) only mentions 6 levels of headings so maybe the behaviour here is undefined.

It seems ‘####### h7’ is converted to html ‘<h7> #’. The <h7> might not be clearly defined in html, but it’s odd that the ‘extra’ # has been left there. Suppose it’s possible bug in redcarpet, or corner-case that hasn’t been considered.




Yeah. You’re finding a lot of bugs in redcarpet! Maybe I’ll switch to a different markdown library.

Personally I think it’s bad to have even the possibility of so many levels of headings in a wiki. I’d like to restrict it to 3 levels … but I don’t think I care badly enough to override the markdown standard.

