Tumblelog - 2009

About This Tumblelog

Does anyone read this page? These days I do most of my blogging on Live Journal instead. Maybe I should post things here as well.


Thought I should post this somewhere in case it helps a historian of logic:

From: T.Forster@dpmms.cam.ac.uk Date: 11 March 2008 12:37:14 AM To: Jason Grossman Subject: Re: history of set theory

Question: do you know whether Quine got NF from Ramsey’s version of type theory, or straight from Russell?

A very good question. People have asked it before. My money would be on Carnap not Ramsey. After a lot of digging by Steve Awodey and Randall and me, the best bet seems to be that simple typed set theory first appears in a volume of Carnap’s which i have on my shelf (in DPMMS - i’m in the hospital today) and could give you details of if neccessary. Another possible soucre is Godel’s incompleteness paper. I should have asked him when i had the chance. You could look at “The inception of New Foundations” in the latest edition of Quine: selected Logic papers. There may be a steer there.

These days I’m mostly using Live Journal instead of this tumblelog. If anyone cares, let me know!


My Buffy Geek Code (http://girlgerms.net/bgc.html)) is



According to Wikipedia, Richard Stallman is a fan of Conlon Nancarrow. Cool! Two of my heros who I would have thought were unconnected. He’s also a fan of another hero of mine, Greg Egan, but maybe that’s less surprising.


It’s occurred to me that rock bands ought to have jugglers. I don’t think this is a completely original idea (certainly there are bands with fire artists — Nemo has details). Still.

