Virtual Box Scrapbook

In G New Sense (etc.), one way to stop X from starting up is aptitude remove gdb gnewsense-desktop

Allowing network connections into the guest OS, from

By default, the network connection in Virtual Box is set to NAT (Network Address Translation), that is every packet coming from the Guest machine is modified so that it seems as it has come from the Host machine. In this way it’s easy for the Guest machine to connect to all the rest of the network (the internet included) but nobody can start a connection with the Guest Machine since it’s hidden behind the Host one.

So, if you are going to test a server service in your Guest machine (i.e. Apache or ssh) you have two choices:

  1. pass to Virtualbox Host network connection;
  2. make virtualbox forward all the packets arriving to a certain port of the Host machine.

This article will describe how to do the latter, in particular in the case of the ssh server. This is an interesting case because it allows you to simulate very well a quite common condition: connecting to a remote Linux headless machine.

We have a Guest Machine with a running ssh server which accepts connections on the TCP port 22. Our goal is to make any packet arriving at a given TCP port (i.e. 2222) of the Host machine, to be forwarded to the TCP port 22 of the Guest Machine. Fortunately, there is Virtualbox command which permits to do it almost instantly: V Box Manage.

Let be the Guest machine name (quote it if it contains spaces), here are the commands that you have to type in the Host machine console:

$ V Box Manage setextradata V Box Internal/Devices/pcnet/0/L U N#0/Config/ssh/Host Port” 2222 $ V Box Manage setextradata V Box Internal/Devices/pcnet/0/L U N#0/Config/ssh/Guest Port” 22 $ V Box Manage setextradata V Box Internal/Devices/pcnet/0/L U N#0/Config/ssh/Protocol” TCP

You can change the string ‘ssh’ with any other you like more. The Host Port must be greater than or equal to 1024 since listening on ports 0-1023 needs root permssions (and Virtualbox usually doesn’t). Instead, Guest Port has to be equivalent to the one on which the virtualized ssh is listening.

Once you have typed the above commands, you need to close the Guest Machine (a reboot won’t be sufficient), restart it and then connect via ssh with:

$ ssh -l -p 2222 localhost

Replace localhost with the Host Machine ip address if you are connecting from another computer.

Free B S D

Making networking work in a Free B S D guest. From sbattu at

In the Network tab for your virtual machine Free B S D in my case, select the following:

Now boot your guest OS (Free B S D), once you login do the following:

Add the following line to /etc/Rc Conf file at the end


This solved my issue, I was able to access network from my Free B S D in virtual box now.

Good luck.

Also need to add Kern Hz=100 to /boot/Loader Conf. See section