
A wiki is a web site designed to be extremely easy to edit.

The original wiki is at Nowadays there are many more wikis. Wikipedia is only one example of a wiki, and not a very typical one, but it’s much better known than the others, so some people think “wiki” is short for “Wikipedia”, which is annoying … I’ll all in favour of [Neologisms](]( Nowadays there are many more wikis. Wikipedia is only one example of a wiki, and not a very typical one, but it’s much better known than the others, so some people think “wiki” is short for “Wikipedia”, which is annoying … I’ll all in favour of [Neologisms.html), but not when they try to overwrite really useful preexisting words!

See for more definitions.

See for Ward Cunningham’s original ideas about what a wiki should be like. Bolzano breaks the openness principle by requiring a password for editing (because without the immense user base of Wikipedia it’s hard to deal with spam) but follows all the other principles.
